Breastfeeding and diarrhea

Breastfeeding is certainly provided many health benefits to baby. It is surely able to increase immunity to baby by improving the growth of good bacteria in human intestine. Besides, breastfeeding giving the best protection for baby from vary pathogens that may harmful and dangerous to baby’s health. Therefore, every parent should realize this particular thing in order to fulfill the baby’s right in getting breast milk from mother.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong by breastfeeding your baby. Event, it will give many advantages for your beloved one, such as preventing and treating diarrhea. There is a data showed that increasing the duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding could save an estimated 1.5 million infants live each year. In fact, up to 55 percent of infant deaths from diarrheal disease and acute respiratory infections may result from inappropriate feeding practices. However, breastfeeding provides infants with protection from many infections, including diarrheal diseases. Breastfeeding also stimulates the development of the infant’s own immune system, improves response to vaccinations, and provides many health-enhancing molecules, enzymes, proteins, and hormones (UNICEF, 1999).

As noted before, breastfeeding is able to increase the immunity since it contains prebiotics which are consumable by intestinal microflora. Consequently, it seriously affected baby’s health, nutritional status, and survival. So when breastfeeding stops, infants are exposed to food-borne germs and lose the protection of breast milk’s anti-infective properties. Therefore, it really important to understand the necessary of food hygiene and safety before and during the introduction of complementary foods, and ensure that infants receive sufficient nutrition to maintain their resistance to infections like those that cause diarrhea.

Dehydration is serious problem that is caused by diarrhea, and also it can occur quickly. Continued breastfeeding during diarrhea, as well as increased feeding after an episode, significantly reduces risk of dehydration, mitigates loss of weight, and promotes increased weight gain. Breastfeeding can also reduce the severity, duration, and negative nutritional consequences of diarrhea. Besides, breastfeeding infants, providing access to clean water, and improving hygiene practices are proven interventions for reducing diarrheal disease.

An integrated strategy that include those practices along with new tools like zinc treatment, improved oral rehydration solution (ORS), and rotavirus vaccines form a comprehensive package of tools to reduce childhood diarrheal disease, particularly in developing countries.

Best regards.

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