Acid Reflux Diet Tips

No matter what type of acid reflux you suffer from, and no matter the underlying factors to your own particular struggle with heartburn, a change in diet can have remarkable effects upon your management of acid reflux.

There are some foods that seem to encourage heartburn in many people. Among these are general categories such as spicy, high fat and dairy foods. Chocolate, tomatoes and herbal supplements are also known to bring about heartburn like symptoms, particularly if ingested shortly before bedtime.

If you recognize particular foods that seem to effect heartburn, you may find that eating them in the morning instead of closer to bedtime will alleviate your symptoms of heartburn. When eaten during time of wakefulness and activity, the body is better able to contain stomach acids used to digest the food we have eaten.

Many people suffer from heartburn primarily at night time and have found relief by raising the level of the head of their bed. Though simply adding layers of pillows doesn’t have the same effect, raising the entire head end of a bed by at least twelve inches has been shown to lessen heartburn symptoms.

If you still are suffering from acid reflux and diet modification doesn’t seem to help, you should consider seeing a doctor in order to rule out the possibility of structural abnormality or other factors contributing to your acid reflux symptoms.

Even if you end up trying a prescription medicine prescribed by your doctor, it is a very good idea to try and eliminate foods that make heartburn worse, and increase fresh, raw foods.

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