Breast Milk For Premature Baby

Usually baby will be born when gestation time has reached 37-42 weeks, but several babies born faster than the normal gestation time. If it had so, their growth and their development would have not reached perfectness yet, so that their organs and organ-systems in the body haven’t functioned as it ought to be yet. That’s why premature baby needs special handling and nursing, including in getting their mother’s milk.

From many research known that breast milk is the most perfect food for premature baby. Breast milk that is produced from mother with premature baby has unique characteristics. Its composition is different with the breast milk from mother with normal baby. It is amazing, isn’t it? It happened as if mother’s body had known precisely what the elements are needed by their premature baby. Its function especially plays a role in helping the maturation of organs so it can be perfectly functioned. Even, if premature baby receives breast milk from mother that produces breast milk with an abundant amount, it still breast milk from mother with premature baby is the best for them.

Breast milk from mother with premature baby contains nitrogen, protein, lactose, sodium, chloride, mineral, vitamin A, and lipase (a lipid-degradation enzyme) that are higher in concentration level than the breast milk from mother with normal baby. This high content of lipase causes the lipid content in breast milk is easier to digest, so it will also make the digestion process is easier to be done by the digesting tract that hasn’t been developed perfectly yet. Moreover, the breast milk from mother with premature baby contains higher content of antibody, especially its colostrums.

The difference between the breast milk from mother with premature baby and the breast milk from mother with normal baby will take place until baby reach 6 months old. After that, like breast milk from mother with normal baby, breast milk from mother with premature baby will also contain poly unsaturated fatty acids, such as arachidonic acid (omega-6) and also DHA (omega-3). One thing that you should know that it is not easy to breastfed your premature baby, because their suckling and swallowing ability still haven’t perfectly developed yet. Surely it needs patience and the preparation of mother’s mental and psychological.


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